Supported Models:

iX1300, iX1500, iX1600, iX500, iX100

ScanSnap Cloud*

Share your data directly to the cloud from your ScanSnap scanner.

Intelligent data extraction

ScanSnap Cloud uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to extract data from scanned documents, making it easy to edit and share the text content of your documents.

Cross-device compatibility

The software works seamlessly across multiple devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets, allowing you to access and manage your documents from any device.

Save Time and Improve Productivity

ScanSnap Cloud’s automated document management system saves you time by automatically recognizing and categorizing your scanned documents, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

* The distribution of this software will be terminated in November 2024. We recommend using ScanSnap Home (For Mobile).



Allows users to use their preferred cloud application to leverage and share data

Improved Productivity

Enables sharing among users whether remote or on premise

Partner Cloud Services

Enables users to scan documents to popular cloud services such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Evernote, Dropbox and Box etc



Scan from anywhere to the cloud.

Faster archiving and retrieval of documents


Seamless integration

The software seamlessly integrates with popular cloud services


Improve Productivity

Automated file naming using keywords and dates from scanned documents.

Digitize your world with ScanSnap

It’s never been easier to digitize what matters most with our ScanSnap scanners. From important photographs to sensitive tax documents, ScanSnap helps you connect your physical and digital worlds with the touch of a button.

ScanSnap iX1600

Versatile Cloud Enabled Scanner

ScanSnap iX1300

Compact Wi-Fi Duplex Scanner

ScanSnap iX100

Compact Wireless Mobile Scanner

Select the fields to be shown. Others will be hidden. Drag and drop to rearrange the order.
  • Image
  • Description
  • Feature
  • Scanner Type
  • Application / Aplikasi
  • Flatbed/ Sheet-fed
  • Simplex/ Duplex
  • Feeder Capacity / Kapasitas Pengumpan
  • Daily Duty Cycle / Siklus Tugas Harian
  • Maximum Document Size / Ukuran Dokumen Maksimum
  • Minimum Document Size / Ukuran Dokumen Minimum
  • Throughput Speed / Kecepatan Throughput
  • Resolution - Optical / Resolusi - Optik
  • Image Sensor / Sensor gambar
  • Multifeed detection / Deteksi multiumpan
  • Display Interface / Antarmuka Tampilan
  • Connectivity / Konektivitas
  • Weight / Berat
  • Product Dimensions (WxDxH) / Dimensi Produk (LxDxT)
  • Mixed Document Scanning / Pemindaian Dokumen Campuran
  • Batch Separation / Pemisahan Batch
  • Barcode & Patch Code recognition / Pengenalan Barcode & Kode Patch
  • OCR recognition / Pengakuan OCR
  • Data Extraction / Ekstraksi Data
  • Multi-Stream Scanning / Pemindaian Multi-Aliran
  • Stapled Detection / Deteksi yang Dijepit
  • Image Enhancement / Peningkatan citra
  • Blank Page Removal / Penghapusan Halaman Kosong
  • Auto File Naming / Penamaan File Otomatis
  • Passport Scanning / Pemindaian Paspor
  • Multiple User Profiles / Beberapa Profil Pengguna
  • Scan to JPEG/ PDF/ Searchable PDF / Pindai ke JPEG/ PDF/ PDF yang Dapat Dicari
  • Scan to editable Office files / Pindai ke file Office yang dapat diedit
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